アメリカのThe Hemingway Societyのfellowship担当の責任者であり、Ohio State Universityの教授でもあるDebra A. Moddelmog氏から協会宛にfelloshipの案内が届きました。転載いたしますのでご覧下さい。

なお、詳細や問い合わせにつきましては下記の連絡先か、The Hemingway Societyの公式サイト、http://hemingwaysociety.org をご覧下さい。

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Dear Hemingway Scholars and Friends,

As you’re thinking about you or your students’ research plans for the coming year, I hope you’ll consider applying for and/or promoting two Hemingway Society Fellowships: The Smith-Reynolds Founders Fellowship and the William P. Corrigan Fellowship for the Study of Hemingway and Cuba.

Brief descriptions of both fellowships are given below.  The application deadline for both fellowships is Feb. 1, 2011.  Please circulate this announcement widely.

Established by the Hemingway Foundation and Society to honor the memories of past presidents Paul Smith and Michael Reynolds, the Smith-Reynolds Founders Fellowship, supported by contributions from Society members, disburses $2,000 per annum to support research on Ernest Hemingway by graduate students, independent scholars, and post-docs up through the rank of assistant professor. Applications are ranked by the committee based on the following criteria: clarity, originality, and feasibility of the project; its value in furthering Hemingway scholarship, criticism, or instruction; and the likelihood of its publication.  Those seeking funds to work at the Kennedy Library should apply first for a J.F.K. Ernest Hemingway Research Grant. For more information on deadlines and application procedures, please see: <http://hemingwaysociety.org/Default.aspx?content=Smith-Reynolds.txt>

Thanks to a generous endowment from the William P. Corrigan Family, the Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Society offers the William P. Corrigan Fellowship, a $1,000 annual fellowship, open to all scholars (undergraduate, graduate, independent, and professors at all ranks), to support projects of any sort that explore Hemingway’s Cuban connections.  <http://hemingwaysociety.org/Default.aspx?content=corrigan.txt>

And in case you hadn’t heard yet, the recipient of this past year’s Smith-Reyolds Fellowship is Matthew Nickel, a Ph.D. student at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and the winner of the Corrigan is Scott McClintock, an assistant professor at National University.  More information about Matthew and Scott and the projects for which they received these awards will appear in the next Hemingway Society newsletter and, I hope, on the web site soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks so much for promoting these important fellowships to students, colleagues, and independent scholars.

Debra A. Moddelmog (chair of the selection committee for both fellowships)
Professor of English
Co-Coordinator, Sexuality Studies Program
Ohio State University
421 Denney Hall
164 W. 17th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210-1370

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